Are you ready to commit to your nature-based practice?
Are you tired of feeling unguided, not knowing if the things you’re doing are really landing with the land spirits?
Maybe you’re getting some guidance from books and social media, but you want a cohesive tradition of tried and true practices you can adapt to call your own.
Learn the ancient ways of land spirits connection in Sacred Wild Priestess, a 3-month immersive, experiential container that teaches nature-based practices for the mind, body, and soul.
Emerge from the cave of empowerment and step into your grove of practice with this unparalleled experience.
How Working with the Sacred Wild will Transform Your Life
You will start to notice the beauty in little things: the way a leaf falls gently from a tree, the way a flower smells different after it rains, the sound of a new bird on your walk to your car in the morning.
You’ll feel more present in your every day life.
The stress and anxiety of outside forces like politics, money, etc. will start to feel small in comparison to the beauty and power of nature.
Your perspective on living in tumultuous times will begin to shift as we work with the timeless energies of land and the elements.
You will learn simple yet powerful techniques and practices to empower you to face these challenges.
You will no longer feel separate from nature. Instead, you will recognize nature’s divinity in yourself.
The Sacred Wild is Calling You
Join our upcoming container and become a Priestess of the Sacred Wild.

What is the Sacred Wild?
The Sacred Wild lives within each of us. It surrounds us all. It is the primal nature of, well, nature, that we in our modern world have been shifted further and further away from.
The Priestess once was held in high esteem for her knowing and connection to nature that reigned supreme. But today, the divine feminine is under attack. Patriarchy, like a stampede, has sought to destroy the divine feminine, just as it destroys nature.
This hubris, the arrogant pride that has led our society towards extreme misalignment with our primal nature, is one side of the scale. But on the other side? This is where you’ll find the priestesses of the Sacred Wild. We are being awakened to tip the balance and revive the ancient earth priestess arts of our ancestors. We are being called by the land spirits, plant allies, and more to step up and make a difference.
Women and femmes under patriarchy are denied our primal connection to our nature. We are taught from a young age to be seen and not heard. To be just enough, but not too much. To be pretty, but not slutty. We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t at all turns in patriarchal society. This puts constraints on our actions, and therefore our feelings, and therefore our own perceptions of our own power.
This is by design. Because we are too powerful for the patriarchy to control if we are in our full expression of our Sacred Wild.
The Sacred Wild is our divine rage: the primal scream of childbirth, the ancient wail of grief, the howl on the full moon that begins as a release, and ends as inspiration for change.
The Sacred Wild is our intuition: it's the part of us that knows things. It's our gut feelings, our instincts, and our connection to the divine – the divine we find in our spirit guides, goddesses, and cosmic connections, but also through nature itself. That’s the secret you’ll learn in this container: all of that flows up through the earth and into us. We are expressions of nature and divinity no different from the trees and crows we adore.
That is the Sacred Wild – the deep acknowledgment that we are part of nature, and that primal connection does not have to stay lost. And when we bring that into our lives, yes into our mundane lives, this work will change your life.

Meet your facilitator
I’m Elyse Welles, your facilitator and guide to the Sacred Wild. My book, ‘Sacred Wild: An Invitation to Connect with Spirits of the Land’ is a top new release arriving in November with Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing.
I am an ancestral Priestess of the land in Greece. My family are from Arcadia, the wilds of the Greek mountains, where for millenia we have danced with Pan and anointed ourselves in the sacred waters of the rivers and springs that form the veins of life in the Peloponnese mountains. I am descended from nymphs: and have received their wisdom in sacred travel to many numina (places of divine power) across the lands of Greece.
I am also an initiated High Priestess in the eclectic Faery Tradition of witchcraft. The way I practice it, we work with agender nature energy. We are not focused on male-female heterosexual fertility like some witchcraft forms are. The eclectic Faery Tradition (not to be confused with other forms of Faery Tradition you might find in a google search) is a form of witchcraft that is land spirits-based. I am the fifth generation in my lineage.
I have studied the frame drum with local Greek priestesses, as well as Miranda Rondeau, who was taught by Layne Redmond, author of ‘When the Drummers Were Women.’
And my masters degree, an MLSt personal studies program, focused strongly on spiritual studies and the modern history of universal syncretism in Western spiritual practices. You won’t find appropriation here.
What You'll Learn
Drum Beats, invocations, and chants, evolving your understanding of Sacred Sound and its connection to the ancient priestesses through the Frame Drum.
Daily and regular practices that connect you to nature’s cycles.
How to connect with plant allies.
How to work with land spirits for protection.
How to engage in weather magic.
Embodiment practices to embrace our animal nature.
Embodiment practices to connect our physical and energy bodies.
How to build your intuitive connection with deeper presences.
The Sacred Wild Priestess is someone who...
Knows that our lives are more fulfilling when we feel harmonized with nature’s cycles.
Seeks to uphold their nature-first mindset in life at every turn.
Sees animism in all things: not just other anmals but also plants, rocks, but even our homes, our beds, our favorite clothes, and our vehicles we spend so much time in
Understands the importance of reciprocity with nature spirits. It’s about building relationship, not transactional asks and offerings.
Knows that the spiritual path cannot be separate from the mundane: it has to influence and affect every part of our lives if we want this work to be meaningful.
What is Included in this Container?
12 weeks of 90-min live classes on Zoom
12 weeks of 30-min Digestion Calls led by my assistant, Jordan @yourwitchylibrarian
Sacred Wild Workbook
An exclusive WhatsApp community with different threads for all of your questions, extra tips, and more.
This container is my most advanced signature course.
As such you will also receive:
An astrology chart reading with Jordan (VALUE: $333)
An in-person retreat in Havre de Grace, MD: Saturday, September 6th!!! (VALUE: $444)
Optional: Add a 1-1 session each month for HALF price (VALUE: $2664)
Lifetime access to the recordings and workbook are included as well.

What It Feels Like to Do Ritual with the Sacred Wild

Imagine knowing the wind is blowing for you and you alone, participating in your rituals, witnessing your magic.
The clouds look heavy, but you know the rain will wait for you to go inside before it blesses your garden with its gentle caresses.
You walk past an old tree and feel it beckon to you, so you stop and take time to place your hands on it and breathe together.
These are practices that sound, look, and maybe even feel simple. But they are profound.
This is not a stuffy, formal, rigid tradition you are joining. It is one of ecstasy and joy made manifest.
We Begin: June 17 2025
The Container Ends: September 2nd 2025
We meet once a week, Tuesdays at 7pm ET to 8:30pm ET
1-Day In Person Immersive Retreat: Saturday, September 6th in Havre de Grace, MD – 11am to 6pm
I accept PayPal payments, and PayPal has a wonderful array of options. Not only can you pay in Monthly installments, you can also pay with multiple accounts or credit cards.
Note: A commitment to this course is a soul YES! I cannot process refunds.
If you run into financing issues email me and I will happily work with you to make this happen.

Investment Options
Tier 1
$3666 Early bird | $4222 Regular Price
Save your spot
Tier 2: VIP
Includes all of the above, PLUS 3 additional 1-Hour Mentorship Sessions ($2664 value)
Regular Price: $4999 Early bird | $5555 Regular Price